Feasible rhymes that you can vision and feel. Enough to shake and kick holes in the ground 'Cause my style's like a chemical spill. My town, that created all the bass sound. Never forget that Vanilla Ice considers himself a breakdancer. Its a reference to his super cool pre-rap career breakdancing crew, Vanilla Ice Posse. Miami's on the scene just in case you didn't know it. VIP In the beginning of the song, Vanilla Ice yells, 'Yo, VIP, lets kick it.' He does not mean Very Important Person. Like Vanilla Ice, Bieber has explored hip hop under the guise of rap persona Shawty Mane.īieber's most recent album Believe: Acoustic was released last week. Ice Ice Baby Vanilla (4X) Take heed, 'caese I'm a lyrical poet. So there's going to be some growing pains and everybody is going to be watching. "There's a real life in there and then you have to do that while growing up. The song is based on the bassline from 'Under Pressure' by Queen and David Bowie, who originally did not receive credits or royalties for the sample. Yo VIP, lets kick it ice, ice baby Ice, ice baby Vanilla Ice, ice baby. Released in late 1989, the cover of Hooked finds Ice crouched on chunks of fake ice, throwing up the set in white jeans, a beeper, and a pink crew neck sweaterpredating Killa Cam’s wardrobe. Vanilla Ice addressed Bieber's recent troubles in his television interview, saying: "Let's hope that it doesn't train wreck, you know, because I had a weekend that lasted a few years and you have to figure out your purpose in life after you're through with your artificial life of being on stage and all the glamour and everything. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term ice ice baby - from. He's doing great out there right now."īieber has recently been at the center of scandals for allegedly being photographed holding a marijuana cigarette and also for a photograph that appears to show him groping a female fan. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.

"I see similarities, I definitely see similarities," Vanilla Ice said of Bieber.